Monday, January 18, 2016

Stay Positive....

Last year was a great and trying year. The most important event was of course me marrying my soulmate. I selected this quote because I've learned that if you bring negativity in your life then negative things will happen. I've always been a positive person, but sometimes things do get to you and I would sometimes harbor my feelings. I've learned once you let things go it will work in your favor. Like my adopted mom would say "Let go and let God". Once I started to let go things seem to go right for me. So to start the year off just remember to stay positive and let things go. If its not endangering your life then its not worth the stress that you would have to deal  with. Just look at it this way while your holding grudges, when you die still angry, bitter and holding a grudge the people you were mad at will still be walking on earth smiling and not worried about you. I also learned to love and cherish life. We had a few tragedies this year and we will miss everyone we lost, but I refuse to let them down by not celebrating the life that I can still live here on earth. Happy 2016!!!!!!!!!!!!!

 Until next time .......Smooches!!!!!!!!